
A year after the Panama Papers: Where does the EU stand?

Jointly with Transparency International

A year after the Panama Papers: Where does the EU stand?

A year after the Panama Papers: Where does the EU stand? is the question that Transparency International will address during the event, assessing the progress made in transparency.

The conference will focus on a key aspect of the fight against money laundering and tax evasion: beneficial ownership transparency. Transparency International EU will launch the report No place to hide? Money Laundering & Corporate Secrecy in Europe, a project to which Accountancy Europe contributed.

Context: The Panama Papers have shown the need to bring greater transparency into the global financial system. At the global level, at least 150 inquiries, audits or investigations into Panama Papers revelations have been announced in 79 countries. Governments are investigating more than 6,500 taxpayers and companies, and have recouped at least $110 million so far in unpaid taxes or asset seizures.


  • 00:00 - 00:00

    Welcoming remarks

    Carl DOLAN, Director, TI EU

    Olivier BOUTELLIS-TAFT, Chief Executive, Accountancy Europe

  • 00:00 - 00:00

    Keynote speech

    Alexandra JOUR-SCHROEDER, Head of Unit, Directorate General for Justice and Consumers, European Commission

  • 00:00 - 00:00

    Launch of the report No place to hide? Money Laundering & Corporate Secrecy in Europe

    The session will offer an overview of the main findings of Transparency International´s report on beneficial ownership transparency in Europe, a comparative analysis of national standards and practices across six European countries. It will also feature the presentation of money laundering case studies involving hidden ownership.

    Laure BRILLAUD, Policy Officer, AML, Transparency International EU


  • 00:00 - 00:00

    Coffee break

  • 00:00 - 00:00

    A year after the Panama Papers: Where does the EU stand?

    This high-level panel shall focus on assessing the EU response to the Panama Papers. The panellists will not only be invited to discuss the adequacy of EU proposed new rules but also to address the issue of how well enforced rules are and how effective those rules are.

    Moderator: John Rega, Chief Correspondent, Financial Services, MLex

    Judith SARGENTINI, Member of the European Parliament and co-rapporteur for the revision of 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive

    Jeppe KOFOD, Member of the European Parliament and co-rapporteur of the PANA Inquiry Committee

    Brooke HARRINGTON, Associate Professor Copenhagen Business School, author of “Capital without Borders, Wealth Managers and the One Percent”

    Paul RADU, Director of Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and of Rise Project Romania

    Duncan HAMES, Director of Policy, Transparency International UK

  • 00:00 - 00:00
