
22 December 2014 — Consultation Response

FEE responds to EC consultation on the Small Business Act

FEE sets out its suggestions on the European Commission’s key topics for making the EU a better place for SMEs, while emphasising how accountants can help realising these objectives.

We felt insufficiently informed to be able to answer the very detailed online questionnaire. Instead we briefly respond to the key issues of the consultation’s main question: What do small and medium sized enterprises in Europe need from future EU policy?

The Small Business Act (SBA) is the 2008 policy and legal framework from which almost all EC activities to improve the life of SMEs are deducted. The SBA was previously reviewed in 2011. A short overview of the SBA and the results achieved so far are included in the consultation document which also contains, a summary of the ongoing initiatives and proposals for new initiatives. The online consultation questionnaire presents the Commission’s proposals on a variety of detailed subject matters mentioned above.


Related files:

 FEE Response SBA Review 2014 to EC

 EC Press release

 Consultation document

 Online consultation questionnaire